Sunday, August 5, 2012

Is Soy a Health Food or a Killer?

Soy as a health food seems be quite popular these days. I have done a lot of research on soy and discovered that it is not exactly the health food I thought.

In addition to confirming the information in the above article, I learned that the Japanese, reputed to have consumed soy as a staple for thousands of years, actually only ate fermented soy condiments. Fermenting changes soy into almost an entirely different food, and the Japanese never sat down to a meal of soy, only using it in tiny amounts.

I don't even feed my chickens soy. I pay top dollar to have soy free feed shipped here, or mix my own soy free feed from scratch. My chickens are happier and live longer, and I know that my family will be far healthier when they eat the soy free meat and eggs.

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